Sponsor a Meeting in 2025

Companies and/or individuals are able to sponsor monthly meetings at the following levels:

Tier One – $1,000

  • A table will be available at the LincolnHR monthly program. Sponsors can set up job fair style. Up to three representatives may attend.
  • An announcement of the sponsor will be made at the beginning of the program, and the sponsor will be allowed to speak for up to 5 minutes.
  • Ad space on the LincolnHR website, with a link to the company’s website, for the time span that the program is being advertised.
  • Weekly posts (up to four) will be made on LincolnHR’s social media channels during the month of sponsorship.
  • Up to two email blasts to our membership list.

Tier Two – $500

  • A table will be available at the LincolnHR monthly program. Sponsors can set up job fair style. Up to two representatives may attend.
  • A brief announcement of sponsorship will be made at the beginning of the program by a LincolnHR Board Member.
  • Ad space on the LincolnHR website, with a link to the company’s website, for the time span that the program is being advertised.
  • Following the monthly program, one post will be made on LincolnHR’s social media channels.
  • Up to one email blast to our membership list.

"*" indicates required fields

Organization Address*
Billing Address*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The sponsor application form must be received and approved by the LincolnHR Board at least two months prior to the meeting. Applications for sponsorship will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Payment is required to reserve your preferred month. In the unlikely event sponsorship applications are received the same day, requesting the same meeting date, the board members shall review the applications and make a determining decision.

Sponsorship for the annual state conference will be a separate fee and is not related to sponsorship for the local chapter programs.

Interested organizations/individuals may contact any member of the board with questions.