Tuesday, May 9 will be our annual May Day Basket Raffle to benefit the SHRM Foundation. As a chapter, LHRMA supports the work of the SHRM Foundation in advancing the HR profession. Their mission at the SHRM Foundation is to champion workforce and workplace transformation by providing research-based HR solutions for challenging inclusion issues facing current and potential employees, scholarships to educate and develop HR professionals to make change happen, and to provide opportunities for HR professionals to make a difference in their local communities. The SHRM Foundation is affiliated with the Society for Human Resources Management.
We will be selling raffle tickets before our May luncheon program and workshop. If you are interested in purchasing your tickets early, you may do so using the PayPal option on the LHRMA website. You will then be given the tickets for you to distribute in the raffle baskets the day of the event. Ticket prices follow. Please note, the SHRM Foundation will mail you a receipt for any donation of $25 or greater.
$2 for 1 ticket
$5 for 3 tickets
$10 for 7 tickets
$20 for 15 tickets
$25 for 20 tickets
We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our raffle basket donors. Their contributions make this raffle possible.
Assurity Life Insurance
Aureus Group
Corky Canvas
Let’s Talk Dirt
Lincoln Electric System
Lincoln Surgical
Lip Sense by Kelly White
Norwex by Rachel Timperley
Review Cloud
Southeast Community College
Union Bank
Baylor Evnen
We look forward to seeing you at the May meeting. If you have any questions about the raffle event, please contact Jessica Reay at shrmfoundation@lincolnhr.org.